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Better Reading Instruction
with Dr. Jan Richardson

“The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading should be required reading for any K-8 teacher striving to accelerate student success. Dr. Richardson’s practical, thoughtful, and research-based work has transformed the practice of thousands of educators. Her literacy framework has and will continue to provide a clear guide to ensure teachers are building on students' strengths and making daily instructional decisions in the best interest of their students. Her expertise is second to none.”
Dr. Susan Zola
Assistant Superintendent, Champaign
Unit #4 Schools, IL

“As the literacy leader at my school, I asked colleagues to join me in implementing the ideas in The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading. The results have been amazing. Guided reading instruction is no longer a puzzle. Teachers are thrilled with the clarity and pragmatic shifts in their practice. This book is a must-have for any teacher of reading."

“As the literacy leader at my school, I asked colleagues to join me in implementing the ideas in The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading. The results have been amazing. Guided reading instruction is no longer a puzzle. Teachers are thrilled with the clarity and pragmatic shifts in their practice. This book is a must-have for any teacher of reading."

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