Better Reading Instruction
with Dr. Jan Richardson


Next Step Forward in
Word Study and Phonics
Guided reading experts, Jan Richardson and Michéle Dufresne, provide teachers with clear, concise, and practical instructions and resources for planning and teaching developmentally appropriate word study and phonics lessons. Learn how students solve words, how to assess what students know and need to learn next, and what sequence, materials, and activities to use to help students become proficient word solvers and independent readers.
• Works with the familiar Next Step Forward lesson plan framework from Richardson"s best-selling Next Step Forward in Guided Reading.
• Uses a gradual release of responsibility approach that guides students to independent word solving.
• Introduces readers to not just one approach to phonics and word study-but six.
The Next Step Forward
in Guided Reading
An Assess-Decide-Guide Framework
for Supporting Every Reader
In this resource-rich book, you’ll find:
All the planning and instructional tools you need to teach guided reading well, from pre-A to fluent, organized around Richardson’s proven Assess-Decide-Guide framework.
Prompts, discussion starters, teaching points, word lists, intervention suggestions, and more to support all students, including dual language learners and struggling readers.
29 comprehension modules that cover essential strategies—monitoring, retelling, inferring, summarizing, and many others.
Plus an online resource bank with dozens of downloadable assessment and record-keeping forms, Richardson’s all-new, stage-specific lesson plan templates.
More than 40 short videos showing Jan modeling key parts of guided reading lessons for every stage.
Winner of the Learning Magazine Teachers’
Choice Awards for Professional Development 2018

The Guided Reading
Teacher Companion
Prompts, Discussion Starters & Teaching Points
In this convenient flip-chart guide, you can easily find prompts, discussion starters, and teaching points to use when you want students to process more effectively, think more deeply, and express their ideas more thoughtfully. The self-standing guide with sturdy pages makes it convenient to use while working with small groups. Instantly, you can use these tools as starting points for in-depth inquiry based on behaviors you’re noticing in students. There are also recommendations on how to revise them as necessary to meet every reader’s needs.

The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading and The Guided Reading Teacher Companion
In this resource-rich book and teacher’s prompting guide, you’ll find:
All the planning and instructional tools you need to teach guided reading well, from pre-A to fluent, organized around Richardson’s proven Assess-Decide-Guide framework.
Prompts, discussion starters, teaching points, word lists, intervention suggestions, and more to support all students, including dual language learners and struggling readers.
29 comprehension modules that cover essential strategies—monitoring, retelling, inferring, summarizing, and many others.
Plus an online resource bank with dozens of downloadable assessment and record-keeping forms, Richardson’s all-new, stage-specific lesson plan templates.
More than 40 short videos showing Jan modeling key parts of guided reading lessons for every stage.
A handy flip-chart guide with prompts, discussion starters, and teaching points for use during guided reading to inform your next step forward.

Next Step in Guided Reading
Master reading teachers Jan Richardson, Ph.D., and Maria Walther, Ed.D., developed and classroom-tested this lean, smart assessment kit to provide teachers with a complete picture of each reader’s word knowledge, phonics skills, fluency, and comprehension skills. Using an Assess-Decide-Guide framework, Richardson and Walther take teachers step-by-step through the assessment process, and then offer clear suggestions about how to use the data to form guided reading groups, plan and teach effective lessons, and move students into more challenging texts. 160 pages + 120 assessment forms.

The Next Step Guided Reading
Assessment, K-2
Focused Assessments and Targeted Lessons for Helping Every Student Become a Better Reader
Teachers facing the challenge of meeting the diverse reading needs of students will find the structure and tools they need in Jan Richardson's powerful approach to guided reading. Richardson has identified the essential components of an effective guided reading lesson: targeted assessments, data analysis that pinpoints specific strategies students need, and the use of guided writing to support the reading process. Best of all, Richardson provides detailed lessons for readers at all grade levels and at all reading stages from emergent through proficient. 304 pages.
*Also available in eBook format

Next Step Guided Reading
Assessment, 3–6
Master reading teachers Jan Richardson, Ph.D., and Maria Walther, Ed.D., developed and classroom-tested this lean, smart assessment kit to provide teachers with a complete picture of each reader’s word knowledge, phonics skills, fluency, and comprehension skills. Using an Assess-Decide-Guide framework, Richardson and Walther take teachers step-by-step through the assessment process, and then offer clear suggestions about how to use the data to form guided reading groups, plan and teach effective lessons, and move students into more challenging texts. 160 pages + 120 assessment forms.

Next Step Guided Reading in Action: Grades K-2
Model Lessons on Video Featuring Jan Richardson
Watch America’s favorite teacher of guided reading, Jan Richardson, lead targeted lessons that accelerate reading growth for K–2 students. Jan demonstrates exactly how to plan, teach, check for understanding, and reteach. An easy-to-use View & Do guide helps teachers put what they’ve seen right into action. Covers emergent, early, and transitional levels!
120-minute DVD
64-page View & Do Guide With Sample Teaching Schedules, Lessons, and Routines
CD With Planning and Assessment Forms

Next Step Guided Reading in Action: Grades 3 & Up
Model Lessons on Video Featuring Jan Richardson
Watch America’s favorite teacher of guided reading, Jan Richardson, lead targeted lessons that accelerate the growth of transitional and fluent readers in grade 3 and higher. Jan demonstrates exactly how to plan, teach, check for understanding, and reteach. An easy-to-use View & Do guide helps teachers put what they’ve seen right into action. Covers transitional and fluent levels.
120-minute DVD
64-page View & Do Guide With Sample Teaching Schedules, Lessons, and Routines
CD With Planning and Assessment Forms

Literacy Footprints
Complete guided reading system for powerful small-group literacy instruction.
Literacy Footprints is a system designed for classroom, intervention, ELL, and special education teachers as well as support staff who are instructing primary children to read and write. Each of the three kits (Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade) contains sequenced, high-quality leveled texts in a variety of genres. Students will encounter traditional tales, realistic fiction, fantasy, and informational text. The lesson cards that accompany the books follow Jan Richardson’s Next Step lesson format (Richardson, 2009).